Public Finance Management

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

Public Finance Management (PFM) is a critical component of governance in Zambia. It ensures that the financial resources allocated by the government are used efficiently, transparently, and in a manner that benefits the broader population. At ZCSD, we believe that effective PFM is fundamental to achieving equitable development and reducing poverty, which is why we have invested heavily in projects that promote transparency and citizen engagement in the national budgeting process.

Our flagship initiative, Beyond The Budget: Making the National Budget Work for the People, is a prime example of our commitment to enhancing PFM in Zambia. This initiative, funded by the European Union with Oxfam Ireland as a partner, promotes participatory planning and budgeting in five districts across the country. By engaging local communities, CSOs, and citizens in the budgeting process, we are not only increasing transparency but also ensuring that the needs of the most marginalized populations are considered during national budget allocation.

Through this project, we have established Community Budget Groups (CBGs) in several constituencies, creating spaces where citizens can participate in national budgeting processes. This has led to groundbreaking parliamentary submissions from community members—an achievement that underscores the power of citizen engagement in holding governments accountable. We are proud to be at the forefront of a movement that ensures public funds are managed in a way that reflects the true needs of the people.

Our work in this area is not limited to the budgeting process. We continue to build the capacity of CSOs and local actors to monitor public spending and ensure that allocated funds are used for their intended purposes. This kind of bottom-up accountability is crucial to fostering a transparent and inclusive governance system that works for all Zambians.

Key Public Finance Management Services at ZCSD:

  • Participatory Budgeting: Engaging citizens, local communities, and CSOs in the national budgeting process to ensure inclusive allocation of public resources.
  • Community Budget Groups (CBGs): Establishing and supporting local groups that monitor public budgets and participate in budget consultations to advocate for community priorities.
  • Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS): Training CSOs and community members to monitor and track the flow of public funds to ensure they are utilized for their intended purposes.
  • Fiscal Transparency Audits: Conducting independent audits of local and national government expenditures, ensuring public funds are managed transparently.
  • Capacity Building for CSOs: Offering training for civil society organizations on budget analysis, monitoring, and reporting to strengthen their role in holding government accountable.
  • Citizen Engagement Forums: Organizing platforms where citizens can directly engage with government representatives on matters related to public finance and resource allocation.
  • Budget Literacy Campaigns: Conducting public awareness programs to educate citizens on the national budget, public finance management, and the role of civil society in promoting accountability.
  • Advocacy for Fiscal Decentralization: Promoting policies that encourage the decentralization of financial decision-making to ensure more responsive and localized management of public funds.
  • Monitoring of Social Sector Budgets: Ensuring that critical sectors like education, health, and social protection receive adequate funding and that the funds are spent effectively to improve public services.
  • Transparency in Procurement: Advocating for and monitoring transparency in public procurement processes to prevent corruption and ensure that public contracts are awarded fairly.

Through these services, ZCSD is dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness and transparency of public finance management in Zambia, ensuring that public resources are used to benefit the country’s most vulnerable citizens.


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