Email address:
Contact person: Provincial Coordinator
Phone numbers: 0977702084/0967189910
Vision: A society where all people have access, control, ownership and security of land tenure”.
Mission: To build support for equitable access, control, ownership and security of land tenure for vulnerable people in society through networking, capacity building and policy advocacy.
Mansa District Land Alliance. It is a non-governmental and non-partisan organization based in Mansa district and is involved in policy advocacy in Luapula province. It is a member-based organization with a membership of the civil society organisations (CSO) and individuals interested in governance, human rights, gender, youth and development. The Alliance is registered in Zambia under the Societies Act, Chapter 119 of the Laws of Zambia, Registration no. ORS/102/46/340.
Since inception in 2006, Land Alliance Mansa has contributed significantly in terms of influencing land policies and raising awareness on land rights for marginalized citizens in Luapula province, promoting the establishment of structures for administering traditional land at community level; creating institutional linkages in land administration in Mansa and enhancing the involvement of vulnerable Women and youths in influencing the land policy processes which entails accessing, owning and utilizing land for enhanced livelihood at household level.
The Zambian Government’s land reform process initiated in the early 1990s necessitated the formation of the Zambia Land Alliance in 1997 to advocate for just land policies, laws and administrative systems that take into account the interests of the poor, especially women and youth. With financial support from MS Zambia (now Action Aid International Zambia), Zambia Land Alliance formed Mansa District Land Alliance as a result of the need to involve the community members especially from rural areas to understand and contribute to the development of the National Land Policy aimed at promoting secure land tenure
Founding organizations of the Mansa District Land Alliance are; CSPR, NGOCC Mansa Chapter, Department of Justice and Peace – Mansa Diocese, Zambia Civic Education Association, Mansa District Farmers Association and Mansa District Women Development Association.
Since 2006, Mansa District Land Alliance has implemented various initiatives such as the Land Rights Project supported by Action Aid International Zambia formerly MS Zambia, Women Land Rights Project supported by NGOCC/NIZA Action Aid, Initiative to enhance land tenure security for improved livelihood in respect to Land Management for the poor and marginalized men and women in Mansa District supported by the Zambian Governance Foundation, Joint Policy Support on enhancing policy support to help rural communities in Mansa and Chiengi districts subjected to poverty due to mining activities causing displacements and land degradation supported by the Zambian Governance Foundation, initiative to advocate for fair balance of interests in land between vulnerable small scale farmers and large scale investments supported by the Zambian Governance Foundation, the Land Rights programmes supported by Zambia Land Alliance, Deepening Democracy Project supported by Action Aid International Zambia, Access to Justice supported by the EU/VSO, and the Land care – Land Access Network – Strengthening land and resource rights for enhanced productivity and Secure livelihoods supported by Civil Society Environmental Fund (CSEF 2 Project).
Mansa District Land Alliance works with Policy Makers such as government, traditional leaders, the Private Sector, Local Authorities and International NGOs
MANSA DISTRICT LAND ALLIANCE’S beneficiaries are rural women, men and youths who are small scale farmers in Mansa and the surrounding districts in Luapula Province who are vulnerable to land tenure insecurity and poverty.
Board Composition: Male 03, Female 04. Total 07 Professional competencies in the Board: Teaching, Accountancy, peace building and conflict transformation, advocacy, development, leadership and entrepreneurship.
Current members are; World Wide Care for Nature, Mansa District Women Development Association, Mansa District Farmers Association, Caritas Mansa, Zambia Red Cross Society Mansa Branch, Society for Women and Aids in Zambia, Zambia National Women’s Lobby – Luapula Chapter, Civil Society for Poverty Reduction and Amaka Pamo Multipurpose Cooperative Society.
Mansa District Land Alliance has a full time Secretariat headed by the Provincial Coordinator whose functions are;
•To coordinate member NGOs involved in land advocacy programmes
•To Network with government, cooperating partners, NGOs and the communities themselves so as to create influence for fair land reforms.
•Gathering information on land dispossessions in Mansa district and surrounding districts in Luapula province and advocating for accountable and transparent land administrative systems.
•Publishing land disputes and influencing reforms in order to promote secure land ownership for poor women and men
•Creating Alliances in surrounding districts to promote a common purpose in land rights advocacy.
MDLA has the following strategic objectives;
1.Access, control, ownership and security of land: To contribute to improved security of the customary and state land tenure for the poor and vulnerable in Luapula province by the end of 2022.
2.Sustainable livelihoods: To contribute to sustainable livelihoods in Luapula province by the end of 2022.
3.Natural Resource Management: To contribute to sustainable use of natural resources in Luapula province by the end of 2022.
4.Institutional and Alliance Building: To strengthen Land Alliance Mansa’s capacity to improve security, natural resource management and sustainable livelihoods in Luapula province.
1.Organisational development
2.Membership development and capacity building
3.Policy advocacy and citizen engagement
4.Networking and partnership development
5.Environmental management and livelihoods.
Mansa District Land Alliance uses three distinct Strategies to realize results;
•By soliciting support for communities to increase their participation in the decision making structures in land administration
•By increasing their access to legal services and gender justice
•By increasing the capacity of communities to engage in advocacy with policy makers at various levels
•The key process is capacity building for member organisations and their beneficiaries to hold duty bearers to account and mounting their own advocacy
Mansa District Land Alliance uses the following methods in promoting land rights;
•Capacity building and empowerment with knowledge and skills: Key stakeholders (CSOs, government officials and communities) receive tailored trainings on a range of different areas including land rights, gender justice, social accountability and advocacy
•Advocacy: A vital strategy in influencing policy changes to improve customary land administration and building local democracy
•Placement of international volunteers for capacity building and transfer of skills: Mansa District Land Alliance works with international volunteers who provide on-going mentorship by ensuring that skills are transferred more effectively and sustainably, and helping to create a learning culture.
•Awareness raising: Key stakeholders gain essential knowledge on land rights so that they are empowered to demand and defend their rights, and to avoid abuse of power by local leaders.
•Research and documentation: In order to improve the evidence base on land rights work, Mansa District Land Alliance caries out analysis of various government policies and form an opinion on matters that affect the vulnerable men and women and documents best practices
The organizations below have provided funding to Mansa District Land Alliance and can be contacted.
•The Executive Director, Zambian Governance Foundation, Post. Net Box 381, P/Bag E891, Lusaka – Zambia. Email: Website. Tel:2601239413 Telefax, 260238380
•The Country Director, Action Aid International Zambia, 5011Los Angels Boulevard, PO Box 35788, Lusaka – Zambia. Email: Website. Tel: 2601252605 Fax: 2601255593
•The Executive Director, Zambia Land Alliance, PO Box 51156, Plot # 126E, Kudu road,Kabuloga, Lusaka – Zambia. email: Tel:2601260040/1
•The Head of Programme Delivery. VSO Zambia, PO Box 32965, 4th Floor Mukuba Pension House. Dedan Kimathi Road, Lusaka- Zambia